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Excavations at Palaikastro. IV: § 8.—The Temple of Dictaean Zeus

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The Temple Area, mentioned several times in these reports, was cleared in the course of our third and fourth seasons. Of the temple itself not a stone was found standing and almost the whole of its materials had been removed, but from fragments of architectural details we may recover some notion of its proportions and decoration. Only one inscription came to light, but that—the Hymn to Dictaean Zeus—is of capital importance, not only as enabling us to identify the remains with those of the temple mentioned in the Praisos-Itanos frontier-award and to restore to Palaikastro its ancient name of Heleia (Dittenberger, Sylloge 929, 1. 78), but as illustrating an obscure side of local religion and ritual.
Title: Excavations at Palaikastro. IV: § 8.—The Temple of Dictaean Zeus
The Temple Area, mentioned several times in these reports, was cleared in the course of our third and fourth seasons.
Of the temple itself not a stone was found standing and almost the whole of its materials had been removed, but from fragments of architectural details we may recover some notion of its proportions and decoration.
Only one inscription came to light, but that—the Hymn to Dictaean Zeus—is of capital importance, not only as enabling us to identify the remains with those of the temple mentioned in the Praisos-Itanos frontier-award and to restore to Palaikastro its ancient name of Heleia (Dittenberger, Sylloge 929, 1.
78), but as illustrating an obscure side of local religion and ritual.

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