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Finite element model updating of a satellite honeycomb sandwich plate in structural dynamics
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The honeycomb sandwich structures have a crucial participation in aerospace industry, especially in the design of satellite structures due to their exceptional mechanical properties. The equivalent finite element modeling of such structures is initially presented through the implementation of modal analysis via the three-layered sandwich theory. Subsequently, the computational results are validated by carrying out an experimental modal testing. In addition, sensitivity analysis based upon design of experiments and parameters correlation, is executed for the sake of selecting the most appropriate design parameters for the optimization problem. Finally, finite element model updating of a honeycomb sandwich plate is thoroughly introduced using three optimization algorithms including genetic algorithms, adaptive-multiple optimization, and response surface method. A good agreement between the previously-mentioned optimization algorithms is obtained. Meanwhile, response surface method and its related design of experiments tool succeed in avoiding such time-consuming process and reduce the involved computational expense with an acceptable accuracy.
Title: Finite element model updating of a satellite honeycomb sandwich plate in structural dynamics
The honeycomb sandwich structures have a crucial participation in aerospace industry, especially in the design of satellite structures due to their exceptional mechanical properties.
The equivalent finite element modeling of such structures is initially presented through the implementation of modal analysis via the three-layered sandwich theory.
Subsequently, the computational results are validated by carrying out an experimental modal testing.
In addition, sensitivity analysis based upon design of experiments and parameters correlation, is executed for the sake of selecting the most appropriate design parameters for the optimization problem.
Finally, finite element model updating of a honeycomb sandwich plate is thoroughly introduced using three optimization algorithms including genetic algorithms, adaptive-multiple optimization, and response surface method.
A good agreement between the previously-mentioned optimization algorithms is obtained.
Meanwhile, response surface method and its related design of experiments tool succeed in avoiding such time-consuming process and reduce the involved computational expense with an acceptable accuracy.
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