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Purpose of the study: This research explores Somaly Mam's The Road of Lost Innocence through the perspective of gender subaltern in which she calls for collective activism to empower sexual slave girls' position and status in society. She raises her voice against the dominant social force to establish her own space and other sexed women's space in society
Methodology: This research is qualitative in nature. To analyze the selected text, few critics and writers have observed the text from different perspectives. Theories of Spivak, Guha, Suzette R Grillot, Heidi Hoefinger, Nicholas Kristof, Abigali Pesta, and Karen Thornber support this research to find the answers to the research questions.
Main Findings: Mam depicts unspeakable acts of brutality with sexual slave girls in brothels. Through writing, she appeals to all people in the world to take the issue of sexuality and girl trafficking seriously which is horrible these days.
Applications of this study: This paper will emphasize Mam's subaltern consciousness which is ambivalent consciousness. Mam requests for collective activism to eradicate women's exploitation from the world. Her activism looks contributory but paradoxical.
Novelty/Originality of this study: The study is novel in its approach and methods of research in autobiographical literature. Despite being an orphan, domestic and sexual slave girl, Mam succeeds to be an activist and reformist through her struggle. Her activism plays important role in the field of sexual slavery and girl trafficking.
Maya Global Education Society
Purpose of the study: This research explores Somaly Mam's The Road of Lost Innocence through the perspective of gender subaltern in which she calls for collective activism to empower sexual slave girls' position and status in society.
She raises her voice against the dominant social force to establish her own space and other sexed women's space in society
Methodology: This research is qualitative in nature.
To analyze the selected text, few critics and writers have observed the text from different perspectives.
Theories of Spivak, Guha, Suzette R Grillot, Heidi Hoefinger, Nicholas Kristof, Abigali Pesta, and Karen Thornber support this research to find the answers to the research questions.
Main Findings: Mam depicts unspeakable acts of brutality with sexual slave girls in brothels.
Through writing, she appeals to all people in the world to take the issue of sexuality and girl trafficking seriously which is horrible these days.
Applications of this study: This paper will emphasize Mam's subaltern consciousness which is ambivalent consciousness.
Mam requests for collective activism to eradicate women's exploitation from the world.
Her activism looks contributory but paradoxical.
Novelty/Originality of this study: The study is novel in its approach and methods of research in autobiographical literature.
Despite being an orphan, domestic and sexual slave girl, Mam succeeds to be an activist and reformist through her struggle.
Her activism plays important role in the field of sexual slavery and girl trafficking.
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