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Digital Society and Multi-Dimensional Man (Repositioning Marcuse’s One-Dimensional Man)
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One of the major concerns of the social philosophy is the technological revolution and its impacts on the social systems. Critical views on the systems from the social philosophers depart from the social predicaments of their time. The pivotal critic of Karl Marx in his work of Das Capital , for example, is on poverty caused by the system of capitalism. Capitalism, for him, only produces various social downturns such as slavery, oppressions, exploitations and impoverishment. Herbert Marcuse, meanwhile, pointed at the same problem, but he came from a different point of view from Marx. Marcuse criticized the abundant society. In One Dimensional Man Marcuse rendered a couple of incisive critics on the industrial society. Industrial society, for him, is marked by the abundance and surplus but this society is still oppressed under a new type of slavery, called voluntary slavery . We may briefly say that both philosophers rendered critics on the same matter of the industrial society, but the two stood on the different position. Marx’s critic was on the hungry and deficient society, while Marcuse on a satiated, plenteous and surplus society. The aim of this paper is to present of how Marcuse’s One-Dimensional Man ends in the digital age.
Title: Digital Society and Multi-Dimensional Man (Repositioning Marcuse’s One-Dimensional Man)
One of the major concerns of the social philosophy is the technological revolution and its impacts on the social systems.
Critical views on the systems from the social philosophers depart from the social predicaments of their time.
The pivotal critic of Karl Marx in his work of Das Capital , for example, is on poverty caused by the system of capitalism.
Capitalism, for him, only produces various social downturns such as slavery, oppressions, exploitations and impoverishment.
Herbert Marcuse, meanwhile, pointed at the same problem, but he came from a different point of view from Marx.
Marcuse criticized the abundant society.
In One Dimensional Man Marcuse rendered a couple of incisive critics on the industrial society.
Industrial society, for him, is marked by the abundance and surplus but this society is still oppressed under a new type of slavery, called voluntary slavery .
We may briefly say that both philosophers rendered critics on the same matter of the industrial society, but the two stood on the different position.
Marx’s critic was on the hungry and deficient society, while Marcuse on a satiated, plenteous and surplus society.
The aim of this paper is to present of how Marcuse’s One-Dimensional Man ends in the digital age.
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