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Recent Restoration and Preservation of the Monuments of the Knights in Rhodes
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Even before Greece took over the administration of the Dodecanese, the Ministry of Education in Athens had sent the Director of the Monuments Restoration Service, Professor A. Orlandos of Athens University, to examine the state of the antiquities of the islands. It was thus possible for the local Archaeological Service, soon after the Greek Military Administration was installed in 1947, to start at once repairing the grave damage caused to the ancient monuments of Rhodes during the war. The main damage has been described in the official English publication Works of Art in Greece, the Greek Islands and the Dodecanese (London 1946), issued by the British Committee on the Preservation and Restoration of Works of Art, Archives and other Material in Enemy Hands, as also in the supplement to the above Report by T. W. French in the Annual of the British School at Athens XLIII (1948), 193 ff.
Title: Recent Restoration and Preservation of the Monuments of the Knights in Rhodes
Even before Greece took over the administration of the Dodecanese, the Ministry of Education in Athens had sent the Director of the Monuments Restoration Service, Professor A.
Orlandos of Athens University, to examine the state of the antiquities of the islands.
It was thus possible for the local Archaeological Service, soon after the Greek Military Administration was installed in 1947, to start at once repairing the grave damage caused to the ancient monuments of Rhodes during the war.
The main damage has been described in the official English publication Works of Art in Greece, the Greek Islands and the Dodecanese (London 1946), issued by the British Committee on the Preservation and Restoration of Works of Art, Archives and other Material in Enemy Hands, as also in the supplement to the above Report by T.
French in the Annual of the British School at Athens XLIII (1948), 193 ff.
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