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Monteiro, George. The Pessoa Chronicles: Poems, 1980-2016. Bricktop, 2016.

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There is something deeply poignant in the imagination of the poem that springs both from rigor and out of defiance of the norm—as the Luso-American scholar of English Studies, triggered by encounters with Portuguese (translation with Jorge de Sena, comparative literature with Pessoa) sets aside the highly codified, often mystifying display of academic learning and scribbles poetic lines that etch an affectionate conviviality.
American Portuguese Studies Association
Title: Monteiro, George. The Pessoa Chronicles: Poems, 1980-2016. Bricktop, 2016.
There is something deeply poignant in the imagination of the poem that springs both from rigor and out of defiance of the norm—as the Luso-American scholar of English Studies, triggered by encounters with Portuguese (translation with Jorge de Sena, comparative literature with Pessoa) sets aside the highly codified, often mystifying display of academic learning and scribbles poetic lines that etch an affectionate conviviality.

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